How to whitelist an IP in Breeze Panel for ssh?
The following guide provides a quick step-by-step tutorial for whitelisting the IP address to Breeze Panel to ensure secure, authorized access to your hosting environment. Follow the Below steps to get started. Login to Breeze Platform. Select the ...
How to Convert .pem file to .ppk file?
A . pem file is a container format that may just include the public certificate or the entire certificate chain (private key, public key, root certificates): Private Key. Server Certificate (crt, puplic key) (optional) Intermediate CA and/or bundles ...
How to Link SSH Key to the Server?
SSH Key is used to establish secure shell sessions between remote computers over insecure networks, through the use of various cryptographic techniques. You can access the store and servers remotely with SSH keys. But you have to add the Key to the ...
How to Connect to SSH at Breeze in Linux?
SSH, also known as Secure Shell or Secure Socket Shell, is a network protocol that gives users, particularly system administrators, a secure way to access a server over an unsecured network. At Breeze, security always comes first. You can only use ...
How to Access SSH Login Information and Details?
SSH, also known as Secure Shell or Secure Socket Shell, is a network protocol that gives users, particularly system administrators, a secure way to access a server over an unsecured network. At Breeze, security always comes first. You can only use ...
How to Add an SSH Key to a Company?
SSH Key is used to establishing secure shell sessions between remote computers over insecure networks, through the use of various cryptographic techniques. You can access the store and servers remotely with SSH keys. But you have to add the Key to ...
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