How to Change the Maximum Number of Input Variables for PHP Scripts?
In this knowledgebase, we will learn to change the maximum number of input variables allowed for PHP scripts by using the max_input_vars directive in a php.ini file. If you have already set up a custom php.ini file, you can skip step 1. Step 1: ...
What is Magento Static Content?
Static content is the files that stay the same for a long period of time. They are not subject to regular changes. So if you refresh the page, the same content will come up. For example: Website logo, header image, social media icons, HTML files, ...
What is Redis Cache and how it helps Magento?
Redis is an in-memory data structure store, used as a distributed, in-memory key-value database, cache and message broker, with optional durability. It supports different kinds of abstract data structures, such as strings, lists, maps, sets, sorted ...
What is Varnish Cache and How it helps Magento?
Varnish Cache is a web application accelerator designed for content-heavy dynamic websites - like Magento 2 stores. It is also known as caching HTTP reverse proxy. Varnish is built to work with HTTP protocol exclusively, whether the store loads on ...
Do you update Magento core?
Magento or Magento core are the core files that make the Magento platform. You can find the Magento core from the repository. For ease, Breeze does it for you, so you don’t have to download and upload the files to your server. Magento is open-source ...
How to change Magento admin URL?
The default Magento admin URL is You can change the default Magento admin URL from the Magento admin panel or by using server sides commands. With Breeze, you can change the Magento admin URL right from the platform. ...
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