How to Link Domain Name in Breeze?
We recommend using Cloudflare to connect the domain to Breeze. To connect the domain name in Breeze, you have to: Connect the Cloudflare Account Add the Domain Name in the Cloudflare Once you have completed both the tasks, you can link the domain ...
How to Find CloudFlare Global API Key to Connect Breeze and CloudFlare?
You will need a CloudFlare's Global API Key to connect the CloudFlare account and Breeze account. Step 1: Go to your CloudFlare Profile Step 2: Click on API Tokens Step 3: View the Global API Key Read in Detail Copy your Global API Key.
How to Make an Account on Cloudflare?
Cloudflare works as a bridge between a domain name and web hosting. You map the domain with hosting by adding the hosting nameserver to the domain name. To use Cloudflare, you replace the hosting nameserver with Cloudflare nameservers. Breeze is a ...
How to Configure DNS Provider using CloudFlare?
You have to set up the DNS to connect the domain name and Breeze server. At Breeze, we recommend to use Cloudflare to configure the Domain Name of the Magento store. You will only need a Free Cloudflare account. If you don't have a Cloudflare ...
How to change or set new primary domain name?
The primary domain is the domain name you use while creating the account and setting up the server. It works as an identifier and represents your account. You can set a new domain as a primary domain at any time. How to set a new primary domain ...
What is my primary domain name?
The primary domain is the domain name you use while creating the account and setting up the server. It works as an identifier and represents your account. There might be few times you may need to know your primary domain name. Though you can set a ...
Do You Offer Domain Registration?
Breeze focus all of its resources on providing excellent Magento hosting experience. We do not have domain registration on our site. However, if you like, we can handle your domain registrations too. Please talk to our support team, and we will ...
Difference Between Primary Domain and Additional Domains
In this article, I will explain the difference between the Primary Domain and Additional Domains. At Breeze, you can add multiple additional domains, all pointing towards the Primary domain. Understanding the Difference The computer uses the IP ...
How to add/remove domains to your main website?
Do you have more than one domain name for one website? Usually, large shoppers or organizations have multiple domains names, but they all point to one primary domain, i.e. their website. Domain aliases are different from sub-domains. A domain alias ...
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