If you want to expand the business by adding multiple stores under a single administration, Magento multiple stores can help you. You can create multiple stores directory from the Breeze Platform.
Follow the steps below:
Step 1: Login to Breeze Platform
Step 2: Select the Company you want to work on
Step 3: Open the ‘Store’ to create multi-store
Step 4: Click on ‘Domains’ from the options on the Left side
First, we have to add the domain you like to assign to the store variant you are creating.
Click on the Add button
Enter the domain name
Once the domain is added, you can set up a multi-store on it.
There are two types of the multi site/multi-store.
Domain Based:
Create a new folder to add the new store. Or you can leave it blank to deploy the multistore in the installation folder.
- Enter the MAGE_RUN_CODE.
- Select MAGE_RUN_TYPE - Website or Store.
- Click on save to deploy the multi-store.
To deploy the directory-based multistore, add a folder path. Or use the default directory. Click on save and the multi-store will be deployed. If there is any question, our customer support would be glad to help you out.
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