SSH Key is used to establishing secure shell sessions between remote computers over insecure networks, through the use of various cryptographic techniques. You can access the store and servers remotely with SSH keys. But you have to add the Key to the Company first, to link the Keys to the store.
There are 2 ways to add SSH keys to your account.
Add your SSH Key
Generate a New Breeze SSH Key
To add a Key, first, go to Setting >> User.
To Generate a New Key: Click on the Generate.
Name your Key and click on next.
NOTE: The downloaded file will be needed when creating an SFTP connection with the HogwartsKey.
If you already have an SSH key, you can add it to your Breeze profile. Click on Add.
You can view all the Keys in your account from the User tab. (Setting >> User)
The Key can be assigned to any store in that Company now.