Our team and monitoring bots proactively monitor the store every minute. And if our monitoring system detects your store is not loading properly, it sends a notification to the support and operation team. An engineer is assigned to your store to sort out the issue and bring your store up.
However, for the monitoring system to operate properly, you will have to cooperate with us.
Please note:
- Password protected Magento store. If you are doing this, it will stop our monitoring bots to learn the running status of your store.
- The Magento maintenance mode stops the monitoring bots from checking the website.
- If you block our monitoring bots (primarily UptimeRobot/2.0), we will not be able to monitor your store regularly. Here are the IP addresses that you should not be blocking.
- Custom caching rules and configurations at CDN, proxy, or security services may cause issues.
- If the primary domain is redirecting to another website that is not using Breeze hosting, we will not be monitoring your website.
- If Cloudflare's Under Attack mode is enabled, the store may return a 503 response to the HEAD request which interferes with monitoring.
- Make sure you have configured the DNS correctly. Because if the DNS is not working, our monitoring bots would not be able to locate your website.